For those who do not know Castle, just watch it.
If you love detective stories, you will find perfectly good plots and the true pleasure of knowing that everything will come together in the end.
If you like fashion, watch it too. You will find elegant actors giving you fresh ideas for your outfits.
In this respect my favorite Castle's character is Martha Rogers (Susan Sullivan). She knows how to marry red, blue and green together and do not look like an old parrot. She knows how to wear a ton of jewelry without giving an impression of a Christmas tree.

Adia Kibur multi hanging layered necklace
Grace Adele daisy orange ring
Grace Adele daisy orange ring

Along with Martha's choice of clothes, bright colors and eye-catching details like jabot or floral prints, the accent is made on accessories: massive and bright necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings, belts and gloves.
Although, Martha is not just a stylish former actrice she is a personality and with her every outfit she is kind of saying: "While shaping your style do not forget your inner Me".
No matter what you wear but how you wear it. Who you really are matthers the most.
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